~ to your radiance

Wellness through natural practices

Herbal Medicine

Herbalism is a living system of wellness and health combining medicinal use of plants based on ancient traditions of healing, modern scientific validation, and the intuitive art of knowing plants and their abilities to heal us at our deepest levels. A practice of cultivating relationships between all the aspects of you, body, mind, emotion and spirit, the natural world, your environment and the healing plants everyday with the goal of consciously enhancing your quality of life.

The Herbalist

You are in partnership with the herbalist. You know your  body best – how you react and respond to things. Diving more deeply into who you are and how you operate, we  start with your story. Your biography influences your biology. Embrace the uniqueness of you and follow the threads that lead you here, now. It is essential for me to know who you are, your constitutional make up and what health and well-being goals you hope to achieve.

Touching the Light™

Touching the Light is energy healing medicine. We are essentially made of up layers and layers of harmonics that are solely unique to you. We are like an instrument in a symphony and it is our responsibility to remain in tune adding our best voice to the performance because we are vibrating in harmony with Source. It involves our charkas and subtle bodies. It’s in the way knowingness coagulates in any given moment that effects you. You connect the dots and ultimately open to heal, not by the way words can explain, but on a level so deeply connecting all levels that you just know and are more whole from that moment on.


Ayurveda is an ancient tradition of lifestyle medicine with practices and techniques of rejuvenating, detoxifying, building, purification and opening channels for life force -Prana- to optimally flow through your physical body and the subtle bodies. Coming from India the practice has continued for over 5000 years. Ayurveda translates from the Sanskrit as the “science of life”. The concept is that humans are part of the laws and principles of nature and teaches us to co-operate with Nature realizing and aligning your inner environment with your outer environment – her rhythms, cycles, seasons.

Western Herbalism

Western herbalism broadens our materia medica with the herbs of Europe and the western world. It enhancing the understanding of energetics and phytotherapy and brings another scope of herbal tradition shedding new perspectives to the way of herbs in to the practice especially as we are living in the western world.


Essential oils facilitates the body to communicate with itself. The life force of the plant plays with our life force, enlivens us and ignites us. This form of plant medicine is effective on the physical level with affinities for organs and systems and the psychospiritual level. Aromatherapy is herbal medicine far beyond a pleasant smell.

Nature Connection

Humans and Gaia are made of the same elements. Knowing her rhythms, cycles, seasons, inhabitants, mysteries and wisdom is a tremendous gift. She holds the lessons that unfold her wisdom if we only take the time to be still and quiet and listen. We are an ecosystem like nature and we need to pay attention so we can adapt. Adaptation breeds resilience. When one thing is out of balance it effects the others. Nature connection supports transformation. Transformation is when healing happens.


Having a connection to a garden of your own- no matter how small- gives you a palette to express yourself as you cultivate your well-being in increasingly larger increments. Working in the garden draws us closer to the earth to view her secrets first hand falling into introspection at the point of plants and earth meeting. It’s all about a shift in perception.

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